Robyn Cole - Commonwealth Registered Civil Marriage Celebrant

Renewal of Vows

There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage.
Martin Luther

Do you have a special anniversary coming up?

A wonderful way to reaffirm your commitment to each other and your relationship is to renew your vows.

These ceremonies can include family and friends and even original members of your bridal party. They can also be intimate occasions, just between the two of you.

While reaffirming your love, you state your continuing commitment to each other and may even repeat the vows you made when you married. You can also compose new vows that acknowledge the road you have travelled so far and the challenges you have faced together.

A Renewal of Vows or Recommitment Ceremony is a wonderful way to share your happiness with your family and friends.

In these circumstances, the celebrant is legally obliged to make clear to your guests that they are not witnessing a marriage but you can include everything else that might normally be part of a wedding ceremony.